Mountbellew mart was established as a registered co-operative, under the Registry of friendly societies, in July 1989, registration number 4523R. The mart trades under the Property Services Regulatory Authortity (PSRA) licence 002598
The mart has been running sheep sales since 1989 and cattle sales science 1986. We also run horse sales and machinery auctions on demand on behalf of the local community.
The mart has a very vibrant property sales division for the sale of property other than livestock including farmland, development land, sites, houses. The property division also provides valuations of land and other property.
The Galway Teleworking Co-operative is located on the same campus as the mart. The Local Living Bog Project, Mountbellew Agricultural show, The Mountbellew Heritage Association and the Mountbellew Vintage Club are administered from the office of Galway Teleworking.
The Mountbellew Vintage Club uses the mart facilities to run its annual show.